Paris Blockchain Summit by SwissBorg @42 – CoinHouse : « Crypto narrative is shaping its adoption »

This conference « How the crypto narrative is shaping its adoption » is animated by Lucas Klocana and Brian O’Hagan from Coinhouse ( ) at the event Paris Blockchain Summit by SwissBorg ( ) organized the 7 of december 2018 at school 42 ( ).

Presentation of Coinhouse (from the official website : ) :

« Founded in 2014 in Paris, Coinhouse (formerly La Maison du Bitcoin) is a pioneer in cryptoassets investments. Both an online platform and a brick-and-mortar location, we are the trusted partner for individuals and institutional investors looking to analyse, acquire, sell, and securely store cryptoassets. Coinhouse currently serves more than 100,000 users from across Europe. »

Presentation of Paris Blockchain Summit by SwissBorg (from the event page : ) :

« International blockchain experts, investors, entrepreneurs and influencers will gather for a crucial and urgent summit in Paris on December 7th and 8th to discuss what has been happening in the blockchain space in 2018. We will collectively discover their visions and new projects for the future as well as dive into their analysis and predictions for 2019.

We are living in a period of major shifts in our society, economy, cryptocurrency space and our relationship towards new technology. There is an evolution of our perception of time and space and where we stand today.

The time has come to collectively dream a new more sustainable future for humanity and to make it happen. »


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