FOREX - Marché des changes - Trading sur devises

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Inscription : 14 janv. 2015, 17:18

FOREX - Paires Majeures: Analyses, Previsions, Strategies...

#1126 Message par nlavallee »

Veuillez trouver ci dessous en vidéo ma vision journalière sur ces trois majeures du forex.

Ces analyses sont données pour information et à but pédagogique et ne constituent pas des conseils en investissement.

Nicolas Lavallée

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Messages : 17134
Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
Localisation : Paris, France

Prévisions sur les Paires de Devises Majeures - Baradez, Dem

#1127 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE » - CHALLENGE des ANALYSTES DEVISES / FOREX - Débat : " Prévisions et Stratégies sur les paires de Devises Majeures " - Où vont les paires de devises suivantes : EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, EURCHF ? Suite des prévisions réalisées régulièrement sur chacun de nos événements. Débat organisé le 27 mars 2015 au Salon de l'Analyse Technique ( ).

Avec les 5 Conférenciers suivants (par ordre Alphabétique) :

- Alexandre Baradez (IG - Espace Présentation)
- Christopher Dembik (SAXO Banque France- Stand A12)
- David Furcajg (Highwave360 pour ActivTrades - Stand A20)
- André Malpel (société LIST - Stand A10a)
- Adrian Raymond (FXCM - Stand A21)

Description : Comme suite aux précédents débats organisés en forme de rendez-vous habituels, à l'occasion de nos différents événements, nous vous invitons à venir écouter nos 5 spécialistes Devises, qui vous exposeront leurs anticipations et stratégies à la hausse ou à la baisse des 4 paires de devises Majeures les plus traitées dans le monde EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, EURCHF.

PS : Nous vous donnons évidemment rendez-vous dans 3 mois, à l'occasion de notre prochain événement Forex, le 05 juin 2015, pour ré-examiner à nouveau toutes ces prévisions, leurs résultats, et étudier le comportements de ces devises durant cet intervalle.

La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

📈 Informations et inscriptions :

🤝 Contact et échanges avec la communauté : Discord, mail, téléphone, LinkedIn...

📖 Marchés en aparté : Témoignages de traders, investisseurs, analystes et économistes sur les marchés financiers

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Messages : 17134
Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
Localisation : Paris, France

Prévisions, Stratégies sur Paires Majeures - Chéron, Fernand

#1128 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE » - Première partie du Débat : " Prévisions et Stratégies sur les paires de Devises Majeures " Où vont les paires de devises suivantes : EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, EURCHF. Débat organisé à la Coupole à Paris dans le cadre du Friday FOREX le 5 juin 2015.

Avec les 5 Conférenciers suivants (par ordre Alphabétique) :

Nicolas Chéron ( )
Benoit Fernandez-Riou ( )
David Furcajg ( )
André Malpel ( )
Pascal Trichet ( )

Description : Comme suite aux précédents débats organisés en forme de rendez-vous habituels, à l'occasion de nos différents événements, nous vous invitons à venir écouter nos 5 spécialistes Devises, qui vous exposeront leurs anticipations et stratégies à la hausse ou à la baisse des 4 paires de devises Majeures les plus traitées dans le monde EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, EURCHF.

PS : Nous vous donnons évidemment rendez-vous dans 3 mois, à l'occasion de notre prochain évènement Forex, le 18 septembre 2015 au 10ème Salon du Trading, pour ré-examiner à nouveau toutes ces prévisions, leurs résultats, et étudier le comportements de ces devises durant cet intervalle.

La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

📈 Informations et inscriptions :

🤝 Contact et échanges avec la communauté : Discord, mail, téléphone, LinkedIn...

📖 Marchés en aparté : Témoignages de traders, investisseurs, analystes et économistes sur les marchés financiers

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VideoBourse family
Messages : 1097
Inscription : 14 déc. 2013, 19:49

Re: Prévisions, Stratégies sur Paires Majeures - Chéron, Fer

#1129 Message par UKLM »

Satisfait d'entendre que la moitié des intervenants mettent en avant les Index de devises pour leur analyse, pas que j'en fasse une religion mais c'est un plus indéniable, étape indispensable par laquelle devrait passer tout novice et ne plus s'en séparer.
Seul petit hic, quand est annoncé : "cet Index est composé de 20% de ci, 20% de ça, 20% de..." ça m'étonne de la part d'un "pro" qu'il ne cherche pas à optimiser tout ça avec une juste pondération, tant qu'à faire faisons dans la précision plutôt que de la cuisine approximative.
Tout un chacun qui chercherait à créer un Index NZDX par ex va se poser la question s'il n'y aurait pas plus de volumes d'échanges entre la Nouvelle-Zélande et l' Australie (par hasard :?: ) plutôt qu'avec la GB ou la CH.
Ce n'est pas du pinaillage, je profite juste du contexte pour celui qui voudrait étudier le sujet de ne pas oublier de prendre en considération ces dernières remarques.

PS: pas nécessaire de souscrire à l'offre de highwave360, les outils existent pour MT4, chercher c'est le prix de la gratuité.

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Messages : 17134
Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
Localisation : Paris, France

Le trading forex est-il assujetti aux rapports de transactio

#1130 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

Un article de, toujours très intéressant:
Le trading forex est-il assujetti aux rapports de transactions de la MiFID II?

En raison de l'ambiguïté, des conflits avec d'autres règlements et des échappatoires, de nombreux détails sur la façon de se conformer à la nouvelle réglementation MiFID II qui entrera en vigueur en janvier 2018 pourraient être très long à mettre en oeuvre.

Les rapports de transactions de la MiFID II

Le règlement MiFID II est divisé en plusieurs ensembles de règles. L'une d'entre elles s'appelle "Markets in Financial Instruments and Amending Regulation", ou "MiFIR". Le MiFIR se concentre sur les règles de surveillance et de rapport concernant l'exécution des opérations financières.

Parmi les sections du MiFIR se trouve le titre IV "Reporting des transactions". À l'instar des rapports obligatoires en vertu du règlement EMIR, le MiFIR est un rapport T + 1 qui détaille les informations relatives aux trades individuels. L'information pertinente qui doit être signalée est l'information sur l'acheteur, le vendeur, le prix, la quantité, le lieu, le numéro du ticket, les données sur l'échéance et la devise sous-jacente du produit.

Qu'est-ce qui doit être signalé?

La MiFID II élargie la sélection d'instruments financiers concernés. En plus des opérations sur les actions et des dérivés basés sur des actions, elle inclue tous les instruments financiers négociés ou basés sur le produit échangé.
>> Lire l'article complet sur: ... tter#p8736

La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

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📖 Marchés en aparté : Témoignages de traders, investisseurs, analystes et économistes sur les marchés financiers

Membre actif et régulier
Messages : 53
Inscription : 25 oct. 2016, 05:22

Forex Market Analysis News Feed

#1131 Message par RusefSandi »

Forex Market Analysis News Feed - Dollar Gains On Yen, But EUR/USD, GBP/USD Up, China PMI Noted

The dollar rose adjacent-door to the yen in Asia not in the push away off from Thursday but slid overall not in the distance afield off from a weighted-basis as the pound and euro showed strength following investors awaiting the US Senate approximately Donald Trump's tax scrape plans.
China's manufacturing PMI rose to 51.8 in November, a faster pace than usual 51.4 level conventional even if non-manufacturing with gained to 54.8 from 54.3 in October, overseer data released Thursday showed.

A reading above 50 indicates progression, even though a reading deadened that signals contraction.
"The latest overseer PMI readings have enough maintenance advice that inserts progression held taking place adroitly this month," Julian Evans-Pritchard, China economist at Capital Economics, said in a note in the previously the data reprieve.
The official pardon of a private PMI survey may paint an improved characterize of the economy have an effect on in China. The Caixin/Markit manufacturing PMI is customary to be published regarding Friday, following the facilities PMI reading coming taking into consideration Tuesday.
The private surveys tend to focus regarding the subject of little and mid-sized firms.

Earlier, Japan reported provisional industrial production for October happening 0.5%, compared plus a provisional get sticking together of 1.9% meant regarding month. Australia reported building approvals for October rose 0.9%, compared taking into consideration a 1.8% decline fixed and private sector description hit a 0.4% admit seen not quite a month.
USD/JPY distorted hands at 112.00, going on 0.06%, though AUD/USD traded at 0.7589, going on 0.24% after the PMI figures from peak trading accomplice China.
The U.S. dollar index, which events the strength of the greenback closely a trade-weighted basket of six major currencies, fell 0.16% to 93.07.
GBP/USD traded at 1.3478, going on 0.53% as rearrange taking into account suggestion to resolving Brexit issues gathers pace. EUR/USD rose 0.19% to 1.1869.
Overnight, the dollar traded as regards unchanged besides a basket of major currencies as upbeat economic data and signs of reorganizing in a tab to tax reform lifted sentiment but a surge in sterling weighed in this area upside in front movement.

Gross domestic product increased at a 3.3% annual rate in the July-September epoch, the US Commerce Department said in its second estimate of GDP considering a reference to Wednesday, beating a previous estimate of 3%.
Pending Home Sales rose 3.5% in October when a 0.4% subsidy in the previous month surrounded by an uptick in housing bustle. That pestering economist predicts for a 1% rise.
The reports came as outgoing Federal chair Janet Yellen testified re speaking the economic outlook in the since the Congressional Joint Economic Committee on Wednesday.
Yellen reaffirmed the central bank's stance upon the monetary policy of gradual rate hikes together amid concerns that the economy would overheat. Yellen's somewhat hawkish comments lifted Treasury yields, supporting an uptick in the dollar.
"We are not seeing undue inflationary pressure in the labor sky, consequently our policy remains accommodative," Yellen said. "But we accomplishment think it's important to gradually remodel our policy rate toward what I'll call an insipid level, which would be consistent later sustainably solid labor serve conditions," she said.

Upside in the dollar was capped, however, amid a rally in sterling to a two-month high taking into account to the greenback upon news reports of a UK-EU appointment upon the thus-called Brexit divorce description.
If a accede upon the Brexit divorce report is total, it paves the mannerism for UK-EU discussions upon a drama trade submission, mitigation the risk of hard Brexit the UK exiting the EU without a trade concord.
OPEC and key ally Russia will extend output curbs for nine months, but likely evaluation the accord in June of 2018 depending upon bolster conditions. A formal personal ad upon the have the same opinion will be made on Thursday

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Messages : 17134
Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
Localisation : Paris, France

Perspectives à 6 mois sur EUR/USD & GBP/USD par B. FERNANDEZ

#1132 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

Perspectives à 6 mois sur EUR/USD & GBP/USD par B. FERNANDEZ-RIOU & A. WEISROCK

Le mercredi 28 mars à 18h sur , nous serons en direct des locaux parisiens de WH SelfInvest avec Benoit FERNANDEZ-RIOU ( ) et Alain WEISROCK ( ) qui livreront leur analyse fondamentale et technique à 6 mois pour les paires de devises EURUSD et GBPUSD.

L'idée étant de structurer ce webinaire en rappelant d'abord les politiques monétaires des Banques Centrales à moyen terme (BCE, FED et BoE) pour ensuite mettre en perspectives ces dernières au travers de scénarios techniques à 6 mois.

Vous pouvez tester la plateforme de trading NanoTrader proposée par le courtier WH SelfInvest via un compte démo : ... href=valmy.


La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

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📖 Marchés en aparté : Témoignages de traders, investisseurs, analystes et économistes sur les marchés financiers

Athar dewidar
Membre actif et régulier
Messages : 56
Inscription : 07 nov. 2017, 21:36

Free Forex Signals via SMS , Email and WhatsApp for free

#1133 Message par Athar dewidar »

Free Forex Signals via SMS , Email and WhatsApp for free
Published: Monday, 09 April 2018 14:47
The EURUSD reached the global currency market near the 1.2220 support area over
the medium term which represents an opportunity to buy
That is why Gold Parttern is recommending buying Eur usd immediately
buy @ 1.2230
tp @ 1.2300
sl @ 1.2190

The daily technical analysis of EURUSD points to the emergence of the bearish measured move pattern
/ zigzag and the pattern is near 1.2220 which represents an opportunity to buy
Forex Analysis and EURUSD Forecast today
It is preferable to buy the EURUSD as long as the pair is above 1.2190 targeting 1.2230

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Gold Pattern the best forex gold signals provider
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free forex signals sms

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Messages : 17134
Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
Localisation : Paris, France

Salon AT 2018 - Débat FOREX avec V. BOY, B. FERNANDEZ-RIOU,

#1134 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

Salon AT 2018 - Débat FOREX avec V. BOY, B. FERNANDEZ-RIOU, J. REVILLIER et A. WEISROCK - Débat FOREX réalisé au Salon de l'Analyse Technique le 16 mars 2018 à Paris.

Avec les intervenants :

• Vincent Boy (IG France : )

• Benoit Fernandez-Riou (Trader Indépendant : )

• Jérôme Revillier (ActivTrades : )

• Alain Weisrock (WH SelfInvest : )

Animé par Fabien Labrousse (VideoBourse : )

Paires de devises étudiées : EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, AUD/USD

"Description : Comme suite aux précédents débats organisés en forme de rendez-vous habituels, à l'occasion de nos différents événements, nous vous invitons à venir écouter nos 4 spécialistes Devises, qui vous exposeront leurs anticipations et stratégies à la hausse ou à la baisse les paires de devises Majeures, en mettant l'accent sur les conséquences de la hausse ou de la baisse de telle ou telle devise sur les différentes politiques monétaires, et différents marchés financiers.

PS : Nous vous donnons évidemment rendez-vous dans 6 mois, à l'occasion de notre prochain événement : Le salon du TRADING du 21 septembre 2018, pour ré-examiner à nouveau toutes ces prévisions, leurs résultats, et étudier le comportement de ces devises durant cet intervalle."


La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

📈 Informations et inscriptions :

🤝 Contact et échanges avec la communauté : Discord, mail, téléphone, LinkedIn...

📖 Marchés en aparté : Témoignages de traders, investisseurs, analystes et économistes sur les marchés financiers

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Messages : 17134
Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
Localisation : Paris, France

Live : L’œil du Pro avec Philippe LHERMIE : Analyse des pair

#1135 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

Live : L’œil du Pro avec Philippe LHERMIE : Analyse des paires FOREX Majeures

Le mercredi 23 mai à 17h sur nous réaliserons un live avec Philippe LHERMIE (, trader professionnel spécialisé sur le FOREX disposant d'une expérience dans plusieurs salles de marchés d'établissements majeurs qui nous livrera son analyse sur les principales paires de devises (EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY...). L'idée sera de dresser une synthèse (fondamentale et technique) du contexte actuel et d'établir des scénarios possibles et probables pour les mois à venir. Nous nous intéresserons notamment à une étude portant sur les flux de capitaux entrant et le niveau de positions couvertes et non couvertes sur les ETF actions et FOREX en Zone Euro.

Nous pourront également aborder de manière plus rapide divers thèmes d'actualités (Bitcoin, Volatilité, Actions...).

Le format des lives est aussi l'occasion de discuter et échanger de manière informelle avec l'audience. Vos questions pour Philippe seront donc les bienvenues via les tchats de VideoBourse et Youtube.

Plus d'informations sur les Formations de Philippe LHERMIE : ... essionnel/


La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

📈 Informations et inscriptions :

🤝 Contact et échanges avec la communauté : Discord, mail, téléphone, LinkedIn...

📖 Marchés en aparté : Témoignages de traders, investisseurs, analystes et économistes sur les marchés financiers

Athar dewidar
Membre actif et régulier
Messages : 56
Inscription : 07 nov. 2017, 21:36

free forex trading signals sms From the best free forex trad

#1136 Message par Athar dewidar »

free forex trading signals sms From the best free forex trading signals provider offers free USD CHF trading signals and USD JPY TRADING SIGNALS FREE LIVE

free forex trading signals sms From the best free forex trading signals provider Gold Pattern offers free currency recommendations today, which includes the recommendation to buy the dollar franc and the recommendation to buy the dollar yen

Forex Trading free forex trading signals sms And currency recommendations to buy the yen dollar
Currency recommendations on the pair Frank and the pair's recommendation to buy the pair
buy @ 0.9900
tp @ 0.9960
sl @ 0.9860
Why send currency recommendations today and recommend the purchase of the Frank dollar
The USD CHF formed a bearish trend in the short term from 1.0050 until the price of the USD CHF approached the level of 0.9880
In the near term, the pair formed three bearish waves and the first and last waves were equal
Which is a sign of the end of the bearish trend and the chances of a rise of the dollar pair Frank
For this reason, the free forex trading signals Forex recommendation Provider Gold Pattern recommends buying the usd chf as long as the pair is above 0.9860
Targeting the 0.9960 profit level
Daily free currency recommendations and the recommendation to buy the dollar yen

buy @ 109.10
tp @ 109.70
sl @ 108.70
free forex trading signals SMS and Forex Trading Recommendations today
It is preferable to buy the USD JPY pair as long as the pair trades above 108.70 with profit taking at 109.10

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Messages : 6
Inscription : 10 mars 2018, 13:58

any pairs will open on gap ?

#1137 Message par zobitawil »

are any one expect any pair in forex to open in a gap ?


best forex
Messages : 2
Inscription : 20 sept. 2018, 21:54

The best chart pattern for forex trading signals

#1138 Message par best forex »

The best chart pattern for forex trading signals
Elliott Wave pattern
A zigzag is a sharp, three-wave corrective pattern, labeled A-B-C. Wave A is always an impulse or leading diagonal, and wave C is always an impulse or ending diagonal.
Wave B is always a corrective wave, that is zigzag, flat, triangle or combination. Therefore, we call the zigzag a 5-3-5 structure
In a zigzag, wave B can never go beyond the start of wave A, and wave C almost always goes beyond the end of wave A. If wave C does not go beyond the end of wave A, it is called a truncated wave C. Zigzag corrections can take the form of one, two, or three zigzags. Three zigzags appear to be the limit.

zigzags A zigzag is a simple three-wave correction that subdivides into wave A (five waves), wave B (three waves), and wave C (five waves)

Measured Move
The best forex signals provider based on the Measured Move pattern to send forex signals because it easy and popular
Measured Move Up : Prices move up, retrace, and then move up Again.
The Measured Move is a three-part formation. The Bullish Measured Move consists of a first leg uptrend , bearish correction/consolidation, and second bullish leg or wave.

First leg
Most times prices follow a trend channel upward before entering
the corrective phase.
Corrective phase
Prices decline, usually between 40% to 60% of the first leg move .
Second leg
Prices rise, loosely following the slope of the trend line set by the
first leg. Prices commonly fit inside a channel as they rise, but this
behavior is not a prerequisite
Measure rule
Calculate the height of the first leg from highest high to lowest
low. Add the difference to the lowest low in the corrective
phase. The result is the expected target price. For a more
conservative measure, use half the first leg height. Decide if the
predicted move is worth the risk of a trade.

in classic technical analysis patterns called The AB=CD pattern

the zigzag pattern is the most important pattern we used in best forex signals to generate forex signals

Elliott Wave pattern
A zigzag is a sharp, three-wave corrective pattern, labeled A-B-C. Wave A is always an impulse or leading diagonal, and wave C is always an impulse or ending diagonal.
Wave B is always a corrective wave, that is zigzag, flat, triangle or combination. Therefore, we call the zigzag a 5-3-5 structure
In a zigzag, wave B can never go beyond the start of wave A, and wave C almost always goes beyond the end of wave A. If wave C does not go beyond the end of wave A, it is called a truncated wave C. Zigzag corrections can take the form of one, two, or three zigzags. Three zigzags appear to be the limit.

zigzags A zigzag is a simple three-wave correction that subdivides into wave A (five waves), wave B (three waves), and wave C (five waves)

Measured Move
The best forex signals provider based on the Measured Move pattern to send forex signals because it easy and popular
Measured Move Up : Prices move up, retrace, and then move up Again.
The Measured Move is a three-part formation. The Bullish Measured Move consists of a first leg uptrend , bearish correction/consolidation, and second bullish leg or wave.

First leg
Most times prices follow a trend channel upward before entering
the corrective phase.
Corrective phase
Prices decline, usually between 40% to 60% of the first leg move .
Second leg
Prices rise, loosely following the slope of the trend line set by the
first leg. Prices commonly fit inside a channel as they rise, but this
behavior is not a prerequisite
Measure rule
Calculate the height of the first leg from highest high to lowest
low. Add the difference to the lowest low in the corrective
phase. The result is the expected target price. For a more
conservative measure, use half the first leg height. Decide if the
predicted move is worth the risk of a trade.

in classic technical analysis patterns called The AB=CD pattern

the zigzag pattern is the most important pattern we used in best forex signals to generate forex signals

best forex
Messages : 2
Inscription : 20 sept. 2018, 21:54

The best chart pattern for forex trading signals

#1139 Message par best forex »

The best chart pattern for forex trading signals
Elliott Wave pattern
A zigzag is a sharp, three-wave corrective pattern, labeled A-B-C. Wave A is always an impulse or leading diagonal, and wave C is always an impulse or ending diagonal.
Wave B is always a corrective wave, that is zigzag, flat, triangle or combination. Therefore, we call the zigzag a 5-3-5 structure
In a zigzag, wave B can never go beyond the start of wave A, and wave C almost always goes beyond the end of wave A. If wave C does not go beyond the end of wave A, it is called a truncated wave C. Zigzag corrections can take the form of one, two, or three zigzags. Three zigzags appear to be the limit.
zigzags A zigzag is a simple three-wave correction that subdivides into wave A (five waves), wave B (three waves), and wave C (five waves)

Measured Move
The best forex signals provider based on the Measured Move pattern to send forex signals because it easy and popular
Measured Move Up : Prices move up, retrace, and then move up Again.
The Measured Move is a three-part formation. The Bullish Measured Move consists of a first leg uptrend , bearish correction/consolidation, and second bullish leg or wave.

First leg
Most times prices follow a trend channel upward before entering
the corrective phase.
Corrective phase
Prices decline, usually between 40% to 60% of the first leg move .
Second leg
Prices rise, loosely following the slope of the trend line set by the
first leg. Prices commonly fit inside a channel as they rise, but this
behavior is not a prerequisite
Measure rule
Calculate the height of the first leg from highest high to lowest
low. Add the difference to the lowest low in the corrective
phase. The result is the expected target price. For a more
conservative measure, use half the first leg height. Decide if the
predicted move is worth the risk of a trade.

in classic technical analysis patterns called The AB=CD pattern

the zigzag pattern is the most important pattern we used in best forex signals to generate forex signals

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Messages : 17134
Inscription : 17 mars 2008, 19:41
Localisation : Paris, France

Salon du Trading 2018 - Débat FOREX : $, €, TRY... Fernandez

#1140 Message par Fabien LABROUSSE »

Salon du Trading 2018 - Débat FOREX : $, €, TRY... Fernandez-Riou, Lhermie, Revillier, Weisrock - Débat FOREX réalisé au Salon du Trading le 21 septembre 2018 à Paris.

Avec les intervenants :

• Benoit Fernandez-Riou ( Trader Indépendant : )

• Philippe Lhermie ( LYNX Broker : )

• Jérôme Revillier ( ActivTrades : )

• Alain Weisrock ( WH SelfInvest : )

Animé par Fabien Labrousse ( VideoBourse : )

Paires de devises étudiées : EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, AUD/USD et USD/TRY (Dollar US face à la Livre Turque) qui n'était pas prévue mais qui a fait l'actualité ces dernières semaines.

Description :

"Comme suite aux précédents débats organisés en forme de rendez-vous habituels, à l'occasion de nos différents événements, nous vous invitons à venir écouter nos 4 spécialistes Devises, qui vous exposeront leurs anticipations et stratégies à la hausse ou à la baisse des 4 paires de devises Majeures les plus traitées dans le monde.

PS : Nous vous donnons évidemment rendez-vous dans 6 mois, à l'occasion de notre prochain événement : Le salon de l'Analyse Technique - 20ème édition Anniversaire, le 29 mars 2019, pour ré-examiner à nouveau toutes ces prévisions, leurs résultats, et étudier le comportement de ces devises durant cet intervalle."


La Structure (par VideoBourse) : Formation sur mesure et évolutive pour optimiser compréhension et résultats en trading

📈 Informations et inscriptions :

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📖 Marchés en aparté : Témoignages de traders, investisseurs, analystes et économistes sur les marchés financiers

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Membre actif et régulier
Messages : 74
Inscription : 27 déc. 2018, 12:14

Daily Forex News By

#1141 Message par xtreamforex »

Technical Overview of EUR/USD, AUD/USD and USD/CAD Currency Pairs


The EUR traded higher against the USD and closed at 1.1343.

ADP Nonfarm Employment Change shows the monthly change in 19 manufacturing sectors in the United States. The indicator does not take agriculture into account. The calculation includes data collected from about 400 000 private enterprises.
The indicator characterizes the labor market and industrial sector activity. Employment growth can have a positive effect on dollar quotes.

According to the Analysis, The pair is expected to find support at 1.12801, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 1.12176. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 1.14507, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 1.15588. Previous Day range was 170.6 and Current Day Range is 61.6.


The AUD traded a bit lower against the USD and closed at 0.6984.

ISM Manufacturing PMI reflects business conditions in the US manufacturing sector in the specified month. The indicator is based on a survey of representatives from more than 400 companies. Unlike Markit, ISM considers not only private companies but is based on the common NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System) list. The questionnaire considers employment, production level, inventories, new orders and supplier deliveries.

Readings above 50 can have a positive effect on US dollar quotes.

The pair is expected to find support at 0.69596, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 0.69351. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 0.70303, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 0.70765.

AUD USD previous Day range was 70.7 and Current Day Range is 223.6.


The USD traded higher against CAD and closed at 1.3577.

Canada Employment Change shows a change in the number of officially employed Canadians in the reported month.
The indicator is used when measuring Canada's labor market. The indicator growth can have a positive effect on CAD quotes.
According to the analysis, USD/CAD pair is expected to find support at 1.35433, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 1.35094. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 1.36367, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 1.36962.

USD/CAD previous day range was 93.4 and current day range is 71.8.

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Inscription : 27 déc. 2018, 12:14

Daily Forex News By

#1142 Message par xtreamforex »

Technical Overview of NZD/USD, AUD/USD and EUR/USD Currency Pairs


The NZD traded higher against the USD and closed at 0.6736.

Factory Orders m/m show the changes in the volume of orders for durable and non-durable goods received by US companies in the given month compared to the previous one. This is a composite indicator including new industrial orders for durable and non-durable goods; orders unfilled by the end of a month; shipments (indicating the current sales); total reserves of raw materials and products by the end of the given month.

The indicator growth can have a positive effect on dollar quotes.

According to the Analysis, The pair is expected to find support at 0.66880, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 0.66397. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 0.67681, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 0.67999.

Previous Day range was 80.1 and Current Day Range is 29.1.


The AUD traded a bit higher against the USD and closed at 0.7117.

ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI reflects activity in the US service sector in the reporting month. The indicator is based on a survey of representatives from more than 400 companies. Unlike Markit, ISM considers not only private companies but is based on the common NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System) list.

Readings above 50 can have a positive effect on US dollar quotes.

The pair is expected to find support at 0.70326, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 0.69477. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 0.71631, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 0.72087.

AUD USD previous Day range was 130.5 and Current Day Range is 28.5.


The EUR traded higher against USD and closed at 1.1396.

Retail Sales m/m reflect a change in the euro area retail sails in the reported month compared to the previous one. The calculation is adjusted for inflation.
The index is often called the consumer spending indicator and allows assessing inflation in the euro area.
The indicator growth can have a positive effect on the euro quotes.

According to the analysis, EUR/USD pair is expected to find support at 1.13552, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 1.13147. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 1.14273, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 1.14589.

EUR/USD previous day range was 72.1 and current day range is 34.3.

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Inscription : 27 déc. 2018, 12:14

Re: Paires FOREX Majeures : Analyses et Previsions

#1143 Message par xtreamforex »

Overview of Gold: $1,300 Break Remains Indefinable Despites the Weak tone in US Dollar

XAU traded a bit lower against USD and closed at 1288.78.

• Gold picked up a bid on Monday, tracking the weak spot in the US dollar, but the bull momentum ran out of steam at $1,295.
• The dollar index (DXY) fell to 2.5-month lows below the 100-day MA.
• The yellow metal is still struggling to break past $1,300.
• $1,276 is the level to beat for the bears.

According to the Analysis, The XAU/USD.X pair is expected to find support at 1282.62, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 1276.47. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 1294.99, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 1301.21. Previous Day range was 12.37 and Current Day Range is 7.69.

The yellow metal failed to cross the psychological barrier of $1,300 on Friday and carved out a bearish-lower high of $1,288 yesterday, despite the drop in the US dollar - gold's biggest retribution.
Notably, the dollar index found acceptance below the 100-day moving average (MA) yesterday and fell to 95.64 - a level last seen on Oct. 22.
The greenback is indeed on the defensive, having closed below the 100-day MA for the first time since Sept. 27 amid dovish Fed expectations.
The yellow metal is still struggling to pick up a strong bid. As of writing, it is reporting moderate losses at $1,286 per Oz. Gold's inability to capitalize on DXY's break below the 100-day MA likely indicates the bulls are facing exhaustion.

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Inscription : 27 déc. 2018, 12:14

Re: Paires FOREX Majeures : Analyses et Previsions

#1144 Message par xtreamforex »

Overview of Crude Oil: WTI Continues to Climb on Trade Hopes

US Oil – also known as West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Texas Sweet Light – is another type of ‘sweet light’ crude oil, that has a lower sulphur content and density than UK Oil. It is drilled in North America, primarily in Texas, Louisiana and North Dakota, and sent via pipeline to Cushing, Oklahoma for price settlement. As this is a landlocked area, most WTI oil is consumed in the US, making this the primary benchmark for the US market.

According to the analysis, USOil.x pair is expected to find support at 48.95, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 47.89. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 50.60, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 51.89.

USOil.x previous day range was 16500 and current day range is 9000.

• US-China trade talks continue, and markets continue to bid up on hopes of progress.
• Commodities are catching a relief run on hopes of improving trade, after a tense ending to 2018.

Crude energies markets are continuing to spin higher as investors hope for peaceful trade talks to resolve between the US and China, which are at present underway at the vice-ministerial level, extending into a third day of talks with traders awaiting announcements following the trade meetings. Trade tensions between the US and China have spun out broader market sentiment in recent months, and investors are looking for any signs of a recovery in global trade in order to offset the increasing signs of economic slowdown across the planet for 2019.

The Energy Information Administration's (EIA) Crude Oil Stocks Change Indicator is published weekly. It measures the number of barrels of commercial crude oil held by US companies. It is one of the indicators affecting world oil prices.

Growing crude oil stocks indicate a weaker demand for oil and can have a negative impact on the oil barrel price.

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Inscription : 27 déc. 2018, 12:14

Re: Paires FOREX Majeures : Analyses et Previsions

#1145 Message par xtreamforex »

Technical Overview of GBP/USD, AUD/USD and NZD/USD Currency Pairs


The GBP traded higher against the USD and closed at 1.2746.

The GBP/USD pair trades at the upper end of its weekly range as the dollar remains weak. Upside capped by Brexit uncertainty, looming Parliamentary discussions.

Manufacturing Production m/m shows the change in the value of goods produced in the manufacturing sector of the UK industry in the given month compared to the previous month.

Manufacturing (production of foods, pharmaceuticals, light industry, metal processing, etc.) accounts for about 80% of the overall UK industrial production. The indicator growth may have a positive effect on the pound quotes.

According to the Analysis, The pair is expected to find support at 1.27154, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 1.26853. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 1.27874, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 1.28293.

Previous Day range was 72 and Current Day Range is 25.3.


The AUD traded lower against the USD and closed at 0.7185.
AUD prints session highs above 0.72 following a better-than-expected Aussie retail sales release.
The pair is struggling to find acceptance above 0.72 and could feel the pull of gravity during the day ahead as both the USD/CNH pair and gold are hinting at a recovery rally in the US dollar.
Australia Retail Sales m/m show a change in the turnover of goods and services sold in retail outlets in the given month compared to the previous month.
The turnover of goods and services sold in retail outlets include retail sales, wholesales, takings from repairs, sales in public places, commission from agency activity, as well as the goods and services tax.
The indicator growth can have a positive effect on the Australian dollar quotes.
The pair is expected to find support at 0.71548, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 0.71248. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 0.72059, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 0.72270.

AUD USD previous Day range was 51.1 and Current Day Range is 31.6.


The NZD traded higher against USD and closed at 0.6779.

The NZD/USD pair is probing the trendline falling from December highs for the third day straight. As of writing, the trendline resistance is located at 0.6786. Interestingly, the 100-period moving average (MA) on the 4-hour chart is also located at that level.

Building Consents m/m reflect summary data on permits for the construction of residential and non-residential buildings priced at 5000$ and higher, granted by New Zealand consent authorities. The indicator is calculated as a change in the reported month compared to the previous one. The calculation accounts for taxes on goods and services, however it is not adjusted for inflation.

Data on construction approvals are considered as an indicator of confidence in the domestic economy, therefore construction consents are also considered as a leading indicator of the construction sector activity.

According to the analysis, NZD/USD pair is expected to find support at 0.67684, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 0.67581. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 0.67915, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 0.68043.

NZD/USD previous day range was 23.1 and current day range is 42.5.

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Inscription : 27 déc. 2018, 12:14

Re: Paires FOREX Majeures : Analyses et Previsions

#1146 Message par xtreamforex »

Technical Overview of Bitcoin by XtreamForex

BTC traded a bit lower against USD and closed at 3653.36.

Bitcoin breaks key levels again after breaching $4k.
Long term bottom is not in place yet.

According to the Analysis, The BTC/USD pair is expected to find support at 3589.71, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 3526.05. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 3708.30, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 3763.23. Previous Day range was 118.59 and Current Day Range is 37.66.

Bitcoin, the king of Cryptocurrencies, has broken down of some key levels after breaking below $4,000 and is now at the risk of breaching $3,000 too as long term bottom is not yet in place for the largest crypto.
BTC/USD trading flat on day at $3,633 and in less than one percent range for the day - typical low volume and even lower volatility weekend trading that is. Earlier this week, Bitcoin and all the other major coins saw massive sell-off all over again, resulting in BTC breaking $4,000 again and as a result also broke some key levels on the short term (180-minute) as well as long term (daily) chart.

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Inscription : 27 déc. 2018, 12:14

Re: Paires FOREX Majeures : Analyses et Previsions

#1147 Message par xtreamforex »

Technical Overview of GBP/USD, USD/JPY and USD/CHF Currency Pairs


The GBP traded lower against the USD and closed at 1.2858.

The GBP/USD pair is struggling to cross the 9-month-long falling trendline for the third day straight, having charted a big doji candle at that diagonal line yesterday.

Bank of England Governor Speech is given by the head of the BOE's Monetary Policy Committee and has the greatest influence over sterling's value among all members of the Committee. The BoE Governor's public engagements suggest clues regarding the change in the exchange rate and future monetary policy of the Bank of England.

According to the Analysis, The pair is expected to find support at 1.27176, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 1.25770. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 1.29563, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 1.30544.

Previous Day range was 238.7 and Current Day Range is 47.1.


The USD traded lower against the JPY and closed at 108.631.
USD/JPY is on the retreat, having faced multiple rejections near 108.75 in the last 24 hours.
Risk-reset is likely on shaky grounds. China stimulus pledge could be overshadowed by the global growth slowdown.
BOJ Governor Speech is an event having the greatest impact on JPY among all public statements made by the Japanese regulator. The Governor's rhetoric reflects the official position of the Bank of Japan.

If some hints at tightening the monetary policy by the Bank of Japan are detected in the Governor speech, it may affect JPY positively.

The pair is expected to find support at 108.253, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 107.875. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 108.884, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 109.137.

USD JPY previous Day range was 6310 and Current Day Range is 3350.


The USD traded higher against CHF and closed at 0.9876.

With major European currencies remaining under strong selling pressure on Tuesday, the greenback attracted investors' attention and the US Dollar Index recovered all of the losses it recorded last week and broke above 96 to refresh its highest level since January 4 at 96.23.

Retail Sales m/m reflect a change in the US retail sails in the reported month compared to the previous one. The indicator is calculated based on statistics received from 5,000 retail stores of different types and sizes, and the data are then extrapolated to the whole country.

The indicator is used for estimating inflation. Its growth may have a positive effect on dollar quotes.

According to the analysis, pair is expected to find support at 0.98208, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 0.97656. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 0.99124, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 0.99488.

USD/CHF previous day range was 91.6 and current day range is 8.1.

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Inscription : 27 déc. 2018, 12:14

Re: Paires FOREX Majeures : Analyses et Previsions

#1148 Message par xtreamforex »

Technical Overview of EUR/USD, GBP/USD and NZD/USD Currency Pairs


The EUR traded higher against the USD and closed at 1.1388.

Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) Member Speech may contain indications on the possible future changes in the Fed's monetary policy. Committee members participate in interest rate voting, determine appropriate monetary policy measures and assess the risks to long-run goals of price stability and sustainable economic growth.

According to the Analysis, The pair is expected to find support at 1.13708, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 1.13535. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 1.14055, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 1.14229.

Previous Day range was 34.7 and Current Day Range is 13.9.


The GBP traded lower against the USD and closed at 1.2983.

Retail Sales m/m show the changes in the value of retail goods sold in the UK for the given month compared to the previous one. The calculation uses season-adjusted data from British retailers.
The indicator is used in forecasting, budgeting and in the development of the UK financial and economic policy. The retail sales growth can affect the British pound quotes positively.

The pair is expected to find support at 1.28772, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 1.27714. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 1.30437, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 1.31044.

GBP USD previous Day range was 166.5 and Current Day Range is 25.6.


The NZD traded higher against USD and closed at 0.6761.

BusinessNZ Performance of Manufacturing Index (PMI) is compiled based on a monthly survey. It serves as a leading indicator of New Zealand's manufacturing sector activity.

According to the analysis, pair is expected to find support at 0.67303, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 0.66995. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 0.67892, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 0.98173.

NZD USD previous day range was 58.9 and current day range is 22.4.

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Inscription : 27 déc. 2018, 12:14

Re: Paires FOREX Majeures : Analyses et Previsions

#1149 Message par xtreamforex »

Technical Overview of EUR/USD, USD/CHF and AUD/USD Currency Pairs


The EUR traded higher against the USD and closed at 1.1404.

EUR/USD made a strong recovery on Friday in a risk on the environment with headlines that an agreement has been reached to temporarily end the US government shutdown.

ECB President Speech reflects the official position of the European Central Bank, therefore every speech is carefully examined by the market participants and analysts. If the ECB President's speech suggests any conclusions on the monetary policy or a clear assessment of the economic and financial situation of the eurozone, the speech influences the EU currency.

If the speech suggests the tightening of the monetary policy, it is seen as positive for the euro.

According to the Analysis, The pair is expected to find support at 1.13306, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 1.12572. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 1.14473, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 1.14906.

Previous Day range was 116.7 and Current Day Range is 23.5.


The USD traded lower against the CHF and closed at 0.9931.

The pair is expected to find support at 0.99107, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 0.98903. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 0.99613, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 0.99945.

USD CHF previous Day range was 52.1 and Current Day Range is 14.7.


The AUD traded lower against USD and closed at 0.718.

The AUD/USD pair edged higher and regained the 0.72 handle briefly, as the selling pressure around the greenback remained unabated. However, downbeat Chinese industrial profits data appears to cap the further upside in the Aussie.

According to the analysis, pair is expected to find support at 0.71084, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 0.70377. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 0.72179, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 0.72559.

AUD USD previous day range was 109.1 and current day range is 29.

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Inscription : 27 déc. 2018, 12:14

Re: Paires FOREX Majeures : Analyses et Previsions

#1150 Message par xtreamforex »

Technical Overview of GBP/USD, EUR/USD and USD/JPY Currency Pairs


The GBP traded higher against the USD and closed at 1.3064.

Bank of England Governor Speech is given by the head of the BOE's Monetary Policy Committee and has the greatest influence over sterling's value among all members of the Committee. The BoE Governor's public engagements suggest clues regarding the change in the exchange rate and future monetary policy of the Bank of England.

According to the Analysis, The pair is expected to find support at 1.30144, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 1.29642. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 1.31577, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 1.32468.

Previous Day range was 141.3 and Current Day Range is 34.7.


The EUR traded higher against the USD and closed at 1.1431.

France Gross Domestic Product (GDP) q/q reflects changes in the market value of domestically produced goods and services, in the reported quarter compared to the previous quarter. The GDP is calculated based on statistical information (using national economic indicators), forecast models and expert evaluations. GDP growth can have a positive effect on euro quotes.

The pair is expected to find support at 1.14117, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 1.13923. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 1.14502, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 1.14693.

EUR USD previous Day range was 38.5 and Current Day Range is 16.6.


The USD traded lower against JPY and closed at 109.389.

Retail Sales m/m show the total volume of retail sales of goods and services in the past month compared with the previous one. This is a highly volatile indicator, it is seasonally adjusted.
The index allows evaluating consumer spending which is an important indicator of the national inflation.

The indicator growth can have a positive effect on yen quotes.

According to the analysis, pair is expected to find support at 109.168, and a fall through could take it to the next support level of 108.948. The pair is expected to find its first resistance at 109.573, and a rise through could take it to the next resistance level of 109.758.

USD JPY previous day range was 4050 and current day range is 2260.
